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Our aim for our projects is to make such an impact on foster youth lives, that it causes them to truly feel as well as believe that they do not have to be a statistic. 

Check out what we have coming up! 

October Foster Teen Outreach 

 For our Fall outreach, we will be bringing an outdoor screen, projector, a popcorn machine, hot cocoa, and other movie snacks to treat the teens at St. Judes Ranch For Children to some fall fun! All equipment and supplies will be rented and purchased by The BLP. If you would like to give toward this outreach, head to the donate button on our home page!

 We appreciate any amount! 

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Giving Tuesday!

This Giving Tuesday, we are devoting the day to prayerfully fund our 2023 foster teen monthly outreaches and our Built Boys Mentorship Program. Each outreach is approximately $200, as we serve 15-20 foster teens each month with a nice meal, a life skill lesson and an engaging activity that need supplies. As for what we will have for our teen boy mentorship program, our boys program leader, Troy Hartley, is a passionate auto body mechanic and business owner. He and our other male leaders and volunteers who are active military, law enforcement and leaders in our community will teach our Built Boys major auto body skills, hold discipleship sessions, and provide meals each meeting. Our hope is create an empowering, fun, faith filled and skill sharpening community for teen boys. 

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Christmas Shoes For Foster Teens! 

Last year, we were blessed to be able to provide new shoes of their choice for the teens at St. Jude's Ranch For Children! Being in the foster care system is not easy on the emotions and mental health for teenagers. They did not choose to be placed there nor did they have a voice in what has happened to them. We want to once again give them a choice this Christmas. To choose what kind of shoes they would. like, and make it priority to make their choice a reality on Christmas day. Our goal is to have a $200 budget per teen. To give toward this specific outreach, head to the donate button! Any amount is much appreciated! 

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